
30 June 2017 Convention/Conference Transatlantic Anarchists and Socialists in the 19th and 20th Centuries


Event location

City Partner Hotel Strauss
Juliuspromenade 5
97070 Würzburg


30.06.2017, 11:00 - 01.07.2017, 18:00 Hr


Party / Movement History


Transatlantic Anarchists and Socialists in the 19th and 20th Centuries

The globalized world around 1900 not only provided possibilities for the
exchange of trade goods, but ideas were exchanged in greater numbers as well. Especially anarchist and socialist networks show a high grade of transnationality at the end of the 19th and during the first third of the 20th century.
The aim of this two-day-conference in Würzburg, Germany therefore is to closely analyze these networks and their particularly transatlantic shape. Next to German left thinkers, who were responsible for the founding of American left organizations, anarchists and socialists from other European countries will be analyzed with regard to their
transatlantic impact.

The language of the conference is English. The participation is free. For registration please contact:


Friday, June 30

Welcome Notes (Frank Jacob and Mario Keßler)

European Perspectives

Russian Social Revolutionary Terror, European Public, and American
Capital (Lutz Häfner, Bielefeld University)

Supporting Revolution – Russian Revolutionaries and Their Transatlantic
Networks (Felicitas Fischer von Weikersthal, Heidelberg University)

Samuel Gompers – Carl Legien: A Transatlantic  “Bromance“ of German and
American Union Leaders (Reiner Tosstorff, University of Mainz)

The German Social Democracy - A Trans-State Community and its Formation
during the Anti-Socialist Laws 1878-1890 (Stefan Braun, Bochum University)

12:30-14:30 Lunch

US Perspectives I

Extradition, the Political Offense Clause, and Anarchist Violence in the
Late Nineteenth Century (Alexander P. Noonan, Boston College)

The American Experience and Italian Anarchism: Errico Malatesta, Saverio
Merlino, Pietro Gori and Luigi Galleani (Carl Levy, Goldsmiths
University of London)

The Making of a Transnational Journalist. The Communist Writer Leo Katz
in the 1920s and 1930s (Berthold Molden, University of Vienna)

Ossip K. Flechtheim (1909-1998): Political Scientist and Futurologist
between Europe and North America (Mario Keßler, ZZF)

18:00 Dinner

Saturday, July 1

US Perspectives II

Reversed Transatlantic Persperctives: The Kuzbass Autonomous Industrial
Colony (1920-1926) (Frank Jacob, New York)

Man! and the International Group: Transnational Anarchism, International
Solidarity, and Depression-Era Ethnic Radicalism (Hillary Lazar,
University of Pittsburgh)

First We Take Manhattan, then We Take Berlin: The Roots of German
Postwar Social Democracy’s Antitotalitarianism in American Exile,
1933-63 (Scott Krause, ZZF)

12:00-13:30 Lunch

Latin and South America

The Italian Anarchists Network in São Paulo in the Beginning of the 20th
Century (Carlo Romani and Bruno Corrêa de Sá e Benevides, University
Federal of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Unirio)

The Panama Papers: Transatlantic Anarchist Press Networks Across Spain
and the Canal Zone in the Early Twentieth Century  (James Michael
Yeoman, University of Sheffield)

Architect Hannes Meyer and the German-and Italian-speaking Communist
Exile-Communities in Mexico (Georg Leidenberger, Universidad Autónoma
Metropolitana, Mexico City)
The Anarchism and its Transatlantic Networks during the Spanish Civil
War. Politics and Cultural Circulation between Argentina and
Spain,1936-1939 (Luciana Anapios, CONICET-IDAES/UNSAM, Buenos Aires,

Final Remarks

Picture: «Geschnitten für die Einigkeit des Proletariats III. 1919» - Fritz Schaefler
